How to Update a Logo and Contact Information for BREW & IDX Broker

Catherine Chadwick, Project Manager for Ballen Brands, shows you where you need to go in your BREW (Ballen Real Estate Website) and IDX Broker if you want to update your broker information, address, phone number, or logo.

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Update BREW Contact Information

Log into your WordPress dashboard to change your information. Your broker and contact information are usually found in the BREW footer. Most of you will have a phone number on the top right of the main page of your BREW. While in your WordPress dashboard, go to BREW and Company Details. This is where you’re going to change the information for your address, phone number, and email. This is also where you add your social media information. If you have your phone number in the header, it will change that and it will also change the information in your footer if we’re using a BREW shortcode.

To find out if we used a shortcode or a text widget for your contact information, go to Appearance and Customize. Once you’re here, access the widgets tab and go down to footer column three. Look at footer column three to see what which option we used. If you see a BREW shortcode, you won’t need to update anything manually. If we used a text widget, you’ll edit the information right in this box using the text editor. Once you’re done you’ll click Publish.

Change Your BREW Logo

While logged into your WordPress Dashboard, you’ll go to Appearance and Customize. Go to Site Identity and change your logo. Click Change Logo, and if you need to upload the new one, you’ll do that and then select the image, or if it’s already uploaded, you’ll select it from this media library. Click Select and it will change your logo. Always make sure you click Publish so that it will go live.

Changing Contact Information in IDX Broker

Go to your IDX Broker dashboard, go to Account and Account Info. You’re going to want to update the information in the account section. Whatever you put in that area is what’s going to show up on your contact page. So that’s where you want to update that information.

Changing Your Logo in IDX Broker

If you want to update a logo, go to Preferences, Global Preferences, and go to Other. If you have a custom logo, you’ll change that here. Save changes.

Have Questions? We can help!

I hope this has been a helpful tutorial for you. If you have questions, you can contact our team at or give us a call at 702-917-0755, and we’ll be happy to help!

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How to Update a Logo and Contact Information for BREW & IDX Broker
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How to Update a Logo and Contact Information for BREW & IDX Broker
Catherine Chadwick, Project Manager for Ballen Brands, shows you where you need to go in your BREW (Ballen Real Estate Website) and IDX Broker if you want to update your broker information, address, phone number, or logo.
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Ballen Brands
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