End of Year Business Tip – Prepay your 2020 Expenses

Hey everybody! Jeff Helvin here with Ballen Brands. I want to bring you a little end of year business tip.

Can you believe it? We are already here at the end of 2019 and hopefully, we made a little bit of money this year. If so, there’s a few things we can do to keep more of what we made!

We really want to start taking a look at tax implications. One thing I like to do is pre-pay.

If we have expenses coming, whether it be for marketing, let say Facebook ads, Google ads, you can actually prepay a balance in order to have the expenses count for 2019, but get used in 2020. Also, software, if you have a monthly subscription, sometimes you have an option to prepay those as well.

Related: Do I Need My Own Website?

And of course, if you have some projects in the pipeline or ideas you wanted to implement in 2019, then we’re here – it’s the end of the year. We want to get those rolled out before the end of the year. It’s time to act now.

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Let’s say you wanted to look into doing a website. We have been talking about it for a little bit, or let’s say we want to put a new CRM or customer management system in place in order to more effectively attack your database. A lot of us have these goals at the beginning of the year and we just haven’t had time to take action, and now is the time!

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The end of the year is fast approaching. We are starting to lose a little bit of that runway in order to get something roll out by the end of the year so now is the time. Again, if you’re looking to have a website going, or if you want to spend some money on marketing, or ads, or software, it’s time to take action.

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If we can get that prepaid, then it’s a great time to get that going. Get yourself set up for 2020!

If you have any questions or anything we cant do. Please reach out to us. You can reach out to us at Team@BallenBrands.com. Our website is BallenBrands.com

End of Year Business Tip - Prepay your 2020 Expenses
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End of Year Business Tip - Prepay your 2020 Expenses
Jeff Helvin, owner of Ballen Brands gives his end of year business tip to help with taxes.
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