KW Command – Sites is Now Called Consumer
Jeff Helvin here with Ballen Brands and today I wanted to do a little video on some of the updates that we’re seeing with the Keller Williams agent websites in Command.
Jeff Helvin here with Ballen Brands and today I wanted to do a little video on some of the updates that we’re seeing with the Keller Williams agent websites in Command.
Hello, Jeff Helvin here with BallenBrands and today I wanted to give a quick few tips on editing your WordPress website. Wordpress is structured in a way where there are pages there are posts like for blogs and there are the actual template and the overall look and feel of the website.
Hello, Jeff Helvin here with Ballen Brands and today I want to show you how to keep your WordPress website up to date. One of the things with WordPress sites one of the most widely used platforms out there which means there are lots of different themes, developers plugin and great resources for you to draw from but that also means that there are could be some vulnerabilities things that need to be updated.
Jeff Helvin here with Ballen Brand and today I wanted to review one of the themes that we like to use or one of the page layouts we like to use on the KW Command websites.
Hey everybody, Jeff Helvin here with BallenBrands and today I wanted to show you how to add a form on the website and then be able to deliver a PDF, let’s say for example it’s a lead capture form so we want to offer something of value on the website.
Hey everybody, Jeff Helvin here with Ballen Brands and today I wanted to do a little video about KW command. What our take is on it where we think it’s going what we’re excited about I’m getting a lot of questions right now when I talk with Keller Williams agents about what can we do with KW Command or should we really use it what’s the value in KW Command and Command as a whole as a CRM as a database.
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